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LOVE [s]


Photograph taken in Schönberg´s apartment

Painting in background (Portrait of Mathilde) by Richard Gerstl

»Mittwoch 24. Juli, des Jahres, in dem ich solche / Bilder zeichnete: Ich selber!!!! / fertig!!! / Kein Strich mehr!!!!!! Ich selber / habs gesagt!!! Habtschi!!!«


»Wednesday, 24 July of the year, when I used / to draw like that: I myself!!!! / finished!!! / No line any more!!!!!! I confessed it / myself!!! Achoo!!!«

SCHÖN = Beautiful = BELLO 

BERG = Mountain = MONTE


This is why the postcards state MONTEBELLO on them!

Handmade stamps with 1000 kisses to start the day for Gertrud

Requiem (1923) (for Mathilde)


You can never pass away,

for you have become an idea.

Now you live in memory,

that holds you not long, in its brevity,

You sink, it passes you on,

There to where all ideas reside

And the feelings that poses us:

In the treasure chamber of humanity

Which no key of the everyday can lock.

[ … ]

if one can die--

and that is hard--

the n one can also live

What are other ways to show people that you love them?

He also loved BOOKS

Books found in his library

He read German poets like Ludwig Pfau, Richard Dehmel, and Stefan George.

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